Tag: elections
Updated: Can the AZ legislature switch to a progressive majority in 2024?
First, a few caveats. The person writing this is not affiliated with either party (independent!), so this is fully an outsider’s perspective. I have no insider knowledge of either party’s strategic plan. I have, however, met many of the candidates or heard them speak – either in their official position as an elected official or…
Understanding the 1-Candidate Strategy
In 2022, there were many complaints about political parties not running a candidate in every race. And that is a very valid criticism – everyone should have someone to vote for & it harkens back to the Wayne Gretzky saying, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” However, the plan of running just…
Actions to Support Endorsed Candidates
If you take a look at our list of AZ NOW endorsed candidates, hopefully you’ll notice one or more running in your legislative district, county, city or school district. And if you don’t see your favorite candidate on our list, feel free to refer them to our endorsement process page and remind them to fill…